A long time ago, I don't know if it actually happened or if I read it, the question, "How's business?" was asked, and it was said that the answer should always be:
"Business is always good."
I didn't really understand the significance of that question or answer, though as time has passed, I understand it now.
The headlines today have not been very positive, and the climate that has been created lately aren't very encouraging. In the US we have been inundated with many bleak forecasts regarding the overall economy, as well as both large and small businesses.
I began my business when I was around 20 years old by filling up a little old mill house in Scottdale, Georgia (not to be confused with Scottsdale, Arizona) with yard sale and flea market finds that I had stored under beds and in wardrobes and sideboards. Within a short time, I realized I had found my niche, my passion, and for nearly 2 and a half decades, I am still in business. While the venues have changed and my focus has evolved, The Family Jewels is still in business. Four presidents (soon to be five) have run administrations since I first opened my doors, and Madonna has metamorphasised from a virgin to a 50 year old divorced mother of two. Yet throughout all these years and the multitude of changes that have happened all around the world and within myself, one thing remains the same: Business is always good.
I can't say I've always adopted that attitude, to be honest. I have had times where I commiserated about how things were changing for the worse, not better. I have had seasons in my shop where the money seemed to roll in and others when I wondered if I had seen the last customer that would ever grace my doorway. I saw eBay change for me from a profitable venue to disappointing a best. I had times when I wondered if anything would ever sell again.
But through it all...and this may seem like a tree-hugging, granola-girl, hippie-dippie attitude...the universe has continued to provide. Sure, sometimes maybe it seemed to provide more than at other times, ultimately, my basic needs have been met. Always. The funny thing is that sometimes the final picture of what I really needed wasn't what I had envisioned it to be, but all highs and lows considered, life is good. So, I am not rich, living in a mansion, or world reknown. And I haven't been awarded scholarly degrees or a Nobel Peace Prize.
Life is good. And if you ask me, business is good. It's good not because of the amount of merchandise I am selling or the overall state of the world economy. It's good because it it's good. Really good. For all these years I have gotten an education in life, and I have met people from all over who have given me a connection to the world. I have been able to live in a nice home in a lovely area with friendly neighbors and a loving group of family and friends. I've been able to raise a child and provide him with the love and support he needs to now be a well adjusted and successful college student and individual. And I have also been able to have the freedom to pursue other interests and to fill up my life with things that matter to me.
So, how's business? If anyone asks, for me, it is always good. And for that, I have yet one more thing for which to be grateful.
PS: Thanks for all your support to my online shop!
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